Dec 1, 2007

Q and A

Q: do i need to know this math material to be successful in future courses?

A: Well, the word math comes from the latin root mathilalalarus meaning: "better learn this because yea, you have to know this stuff later". so yes

Nov 11, 2007


Contractions. why is that one wrong? i know i use that one verbally all the time (there're pronounced as there) its basically copula deletion. so what does there're mean? there are, meaning there exists (plural)... question is why is the word there there? is it because its derivable from:

it exists there. it is there. there is it.
they exist there. they are there. there are them.

anyway there several ways to see it

Nov 6, 2007


something something darkside, something something complete.

Oct 31, 2007


lots of grading, and midterm in programming languages and compliers.

i should pick out courses

Oct 25, 2007

Im an idiot

so im spontaniously asked to do a problem for 173 number three on homework 7.

its a structural induction to show an induction hypothesis is true for every nondirectional graph.
so i come up with a grammar to describe all graphs
a single vertex is a graph.
A not connected to B is a graph where A and B are graphs
A connected by a new edge to B is a graph if A and B are graphs.

this doesn't produce the set of all nondirectional graphs and i realized this when a student asked me to produce the "triangle" graph and i realized i couldn't.

the correct production is
a single vertex is a graph
A not connected to B is a graph iff A and B are graphs
C with an extra edge is a graph iff C was a graph and not saturated with edges.

so much easier.

Oct 22, 2007


yes, i spelled it correctly....

Oct 21, 2007


Ive become one of those people who sit in secluded corners of the library next to big windows near trees.